Women’s panties have come a long way from being just one kind of panty. There are now several kinds of women’s panties that cater to the needs and desires of women and also those of men. Panties started as a…
Women’s panties have come a long way from being just one kind of panty. There are now several kinds of women’s panties that cater to the needs and desires of women and also those of men. Panties started as a means to keep a woman’s modesty. They were initially designed like pantaloons to cover the ladies’ calves and for some even the ankles. As time went by, women’s panties slowly went higher and higher and more skin tight. The reasons for these changes are the changes that women’s wardrobe went through.
Granny Panties
These kinds of women’s panties are the ones that cover the most. These are usually a bit loose, cover the entire bottom and the legs are cut in a conservative fashion, which means they are cut low. They are so called because they look so conservative and old fashioned that grannies are the ones that are most likely to wear them, if they are so inclined. These kinds of women’s panties still sell up to now and are among one of the more saleable ones.
Bikini Panties
These kinds of women’s panties are cut similarly to string bikinis. They cover part of the buttocks and the front parts are mere triangles, just like the back, only smaller. In most cases of the bikini panties, the sides are strings to allow better movement and less friction. Some designs of bikini panties do not use the string sides but their sides are still thin enough, about an inch or two of fabric only.
Thongs panties are quite liberating women’s panties and may take some getting used to. There are two designs for thongs, the first being the T-back and other, the G-string. The T-back has more fabric to it, the upper part of the back is a small triangle and the front is similar to that of a bikini panty. The G-string has strings for the back part and the front is a small triangle. These women’s panties are quite sexy and those who wear them confidently feel sexy too.
Boy Shorts
These women’s panties are so called because they look like men’s conservative bathing shorts. They usually are as low as bikini panties in the upper part, almost at the start of the buttocks and wraps around the hips. These form fitting women’s panties end up to the junction of the thighs and the groin, sometimes lower. Many of these women’s panties have lace ends or are actually see through lace all around.
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