Fashion Envious
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  • Finding The Perfect Pair of Boots
    Finding The Perfect Pair of Boots
    As a woman, I always have a desire to be noticed by others. In order to achieve this objective, I can spend hours in front of the mirror to get my appearance right. And this means making sure everything from top to bottom including my shoes is perfect. I do have a sense of what footwear to put on based on my outfit, even if I say so myself. For example, If it's winter, I'd wear a pair of knee-length leather boots that keep my legs covered and compliment my coat, be able to walk on snow for long distances easily without my feet hurting or blistering. So where am I going with this? I am simply trying to help you find the perfect pair of boots like I have. It's Winter Again! A staple in most women's fall and winter footwear wardrobes, boots are very much "in" fashion this year. Typically, winter boots are made with leather on the…
  • Handbags that Flatter Your Body Shape and Size
    Handbags that Flatter Your Body Shape and Size
    Handbags, next to diamonds and maybe shoes, are a woman’s best friend. Not only are they used to hold everything that we hold dear, from our cellular phones to our credit cards, our palm pilots to the papers that will spell the difference between promotion and demotion. Let’s face it, can you imagine a world without the women’s handbag as we know it? Look at the shape Choose the shape that is opposite your body type. For instance, if you are tall and thin, look for bags that are more on the rounded side like the hobo or those that are a bit unstructured. This will complement your figure as it would provide a sharp contrast to your body. If on the other hand, you are on the short and heavy side, it is good to carry women handbags that are tall, rectangular or those with really defined shapes. Long and sleek designs will help counterbalance your more rounded figure.…
  • How to Wear a Hat
    How to Wear a Hat
    Many women shy away from wearing hats simply because they honestly believe that they would not be able to pull off wearing one. To some women, hats call too much attention to themselves. Some women, on the other hand, just do not know how to wear a hat. It is a shame, actually, because a hat is a fashion accessory that every woman should have in her wardrobe. Now, why is that? Why should a hat or two be part of a woman’s wardrobe? One reason is that a hat is a great fashion accessory that can pull together an outfit and improve its overall look. The other reason is that a hat provides ample protection from the harmful rays of the sun, at a time when skin cancer is now a cause for fear and people are becoming aware of the dangers of exposing the skin to sunlight far too long. In order to be able to pull off…
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